28 Feb 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - The Young Inventor.

IT is not inquisitiveness alone which makes this lad look so closely into the works of a clock ;  he wants to see how they are made, and will one day if he lives be an inventor. Sir Humphry Davy, who invented the miner's safety lamp, was such a lad as this boy, always inquiring into things ;  and James Ferguson another. This latter boy was so poor as to be glad to keep sheep for a Scotch farmer, but he taught himself astronomy, and made a watch before he was twenty.  If you have a turn for invention, follow it by all means, but be a sensible boy, and don't let your lessons suffer in consequence; but always do them first, and then no one will make any objection to your other pursuits, or call you idle.  It is only those who are idle and shirk their studies who are to be blamed.

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