28 Apr 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - Quite Unconscious.

PUSSY, wrapt up in her little family, whom, of course, she thinks superior to all the other kittens in the world, is quite unconscious of the fact that Master Jacko, the monkey, is in the act of stretching out his long arm to touch one of her darlings.  Will not there be a fuss when she finds it out!  He will scream and then she will spit and huff at him, and the kittens will curl up together in a great fright;and there will be such a to-do that the Major will come out from his study all in a hurry, and Master Jacko having by this time climbed the banisters, will look on enjoying the great discomfiture of poor pussy, and the wonderment of his master, the Major, who finds no cause whatever for the strange disturbance,and the evident alarm of the cat and her three poor little babies. 

14 Apr 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - Jeanette's Tricks.

WHEN the captain came home from India he brought a pet monkey, who,  though very well-behaved  in general,  dearly loved tricks and pastimes.  She was on the look out one morning for something in the shape of amusement when Annie, the housemaid, came running out with a message.  " Now's my chance, " thought she, and off went in an instant the shawl from Annie's head.  " Here, Jeanette, give me that!" cried the captain; but Jeanette was up a tree, and knowing no one could reach her there, she sat chattering and looking so comical in the shawl which she put on, that even Annie, when her fright was over, could not help laughing ; and so for this time Miss Jeanette escaped the punishment which her master threatened her with as he shook his stick.

7 Apr 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - That Mischievous Monkey.

THE old general was sitting all alone on the deck, and from thinking of his home and the children he was going back to, he gradually got to dreaming of them, and although he never acknowledged to sleeping in the daytime, he really was now enjoying a comfortable nap.  The consequence was that he thus never saw peeping down from above an inquisitive face with a pair of black eyes, neither did he see a cautious descent of the rope, but he felt, and that so as to wake him with a start, a tug at his cap, which fell off, and with it came what he thought no one knew he wore, his wig.  He was lame with the gout, couldn't rise from his chair, and so he had to watch the monkey's gambols with his property, which was half destroyed before the laughing sailors could restore it to him.

1 Apr 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - Telling His Fault.

EDMUND looks ashamed of himself and his father astonished.  Some fault has been committed during the day, but we won't inquire what it is, and only praise Edmund for honestly telling it out in this way before he says "good-night." Edmund has always been told to speak the truth, and if he has done wrong to confess it ; and he does as he is told, we see.  And while his father will no doubt punish him if he deserves it, he will not do it as heavily as if the fault had been hidden. That makes matters much worse always, and the doer of the fault a very miserable creature, because he has the fear of being found out as well as the knowledge of the fault itself weighing on his mind.  Remember this next time you do wrong, and go and tell your fault.  If we confess our faults we shall have forgiveness.