26 May 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - The Nosegay.

A NOSEGAY of sweet flowers from Anna's own little garden is a welcome gift to the cottage child, who has seen nothing so bright and gay in the strip of ground round her home, which, though called a garden, is not as well cared for as it might be.  Anna enjoys sharing her pleasures with others, and is happy when her flowers bring a smile to the pale cheek of some one who is ill, or when, as in this case, she can tell their names to an intelligent listener and show her how beautifully the leaves are tinted and shaped, and talk to her of the good God who made the flowers and cares for them and us.  The little girl will look at her flowers with greater pleasure than before, when she thinks of what Anna said as they sat together examining the nosegay.  Let us thank God for the beautiful flowers. 

20 May 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - The Boys' Class.

THERE were so many big rough boys in the class that no one would undertake it, and when Miss Andrews offered to try what could be done, the other teachers shook their heads and said it was useless. But Miss Andrews undauntedly took her place; and when the boys found she was not to be moved by laughter or remarks, but read steadily on, they grew quieter, until when she paused after reading the story of Joseph and his brethren, to ask the lads if they understood it, she found the two roughest boys sitting at her feet too absorbed to move. This was an encouragement, and when she promised to come again next Sunday, and the lads said, "Thank ye, ma'am, we'll come," she felt quite cheered up, and determined to do all in her power to interest and improve the boys of her class.

13 May 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - The Donkey-Cart.

" WOULD I be you, to walk about all day long beside a stupid donkey?" said James Smith to Alfred Comber, who was leading his donkey up the road from the village. "Would I be you? Why, look at me ; I've all my time to myself to do what I like in, and needn't slave as you do."  " It's all very well to talk, James," replied Alfred ; "but my donkey is not stupid ; she knows me as well as possible and I'm quite fond of her ; and as to having time myself, why I'd rather not have it : I like work, and I'm glad to have plenty to do.  And it strikes me, James," he continued, "That if you had work you would be happier for it, and enjoy your leisure hours, as I do, all the more for being busy." James couldn't reply to this, so he said " good-bye," and left Alfred to go his way alone.

5 May 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - "Can I Have A Ride ?"

" I HAVE seen it done, and I am sure if I could only once drop down comfortably on that creature's back I could stick on." These were the reflections of Pompey, the black monkey, who, having made good his escape from the house, had, after many adventures, found himself on a roof overlooking the pigstye, where Mrs. Pig and a thriving young family were enjoying existence.  "Shall I do it? a ride would be delightful; well, here goes; I'll take a leap--one, two--;" but he didn't say three, for happily Mrs. Pig, who was looking round as if disturbed by something, at this very moment, up came the man with the pigs' wash, and Pompey, fearing detection, fled up the roof and in at the stable window as if he had been shot, very well aware that he had no business to be where he was.