20 May 2012

Pleasing Pictures and Stories - The Boys' Class.

THERE were so many big rough boys in the class that no one would undertake it, and when Miss Andrews offered to try what could be done, the other teachers shook their heads and said it was useless. But Miss Andrews undauntedly took her place; and when the boys found she was not to be moved by laughter or remarks, but read steadily on, they grew quieter, until when she paused after reading the story of Joseph and his brethren, to ask the lads if they understood it, she found the two roughest boys sitting at her feet too absorbed to move. This was an encouragement, and when she promised to come again next Sunday, and the lads said, "Thank ye, ma'am, we'll come," she felt quite cheered up, and determined to do all in her power to interest and improve the boys of her class.

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